MSL — Light Dimensional Rift on Autoplay

4 min readJul 12, 2021


Monster Super Leagues Light Dimensional Rift

Last Updated 11th July 2021

Monster Super League Light Dimensional Rift is one of the 5 new Dimensional Rift dungeons that was released in early 2021.

From personal experience, Light Dimensional Rift is the a tad harder than Fire Dimensional Rift which is also an Attacker Based Dungeon, overall I would rank it the second hardest out of all 5 elements. With the easiest being Wood Dimensional Rift while hardest is Water Dimensional Rift. Regardless whether it is easy or hard, the rewards received when clearing it are the exact same across all elements. Light Dimensional Rift only appears on Friday and Sunday. Light Element is a Attacker based Dungeon and unlike Fire or Wood, Light Element cannot be sapped making Sappers completely useless in this dungeon.

In all the Dimensional Rift dungeons, you will be facing a total of 4 rounds with a Mini Boss on Round 2 and the final Boss at Round 4.

The main issues a lot of people face is the trash rounds hit way to hard and Astromons do not use Active during the mini boss round when the two trash beside it is dead.

Manual Play Strategy

Light Dimensional Rift is one of the harder elements to do, I would name this the 2nd hardest after Water Dimensional Rift.

Not only is the final boss not sappable, you need to kill the boss within 8 rounds before each hit is an 1 hit KO regardless how much HP/DEF your Astromons have.

If you have a Dark Gilgamesh Evo 2/3, and even Booked, this dungeon would be a complete piece of cake for you.

If not, I have chosen 4 Astromons that are relatively easy to obtain.

After all, Draka is obtained easily through 5* Draka Festivals, which the same goes for Dark Cernunnos.

While Light Seastar is quite common during 3* Rebirth months.

So, what’s the plan on beating this. when you fight the waves, you need to prioritize the following.

Sparkitt -> Radis -> Sparkler, While permanent stunning the mini boss.

Never waste your Cernunnos or Seastar’s Active until you reach the Boss Room. You are able to use your Cernunnos Active to heal up if needed but ensure that you are it ready for Boss Room.

Once you reach the boss room, do not let Cernunnos or Seastar use active until the 3rd round. (The round before Boss Benji will use her Active).

This will keep the damage to an minimum, if your Astromon does die, Undying Volition will keep it alive.

Then rinse repeat, you should kill it before the boss can Active again.

This is totally dependent on your DPS from Mona, Cernunnos and Draka. Hence why Dark Gilgamesh, Light Draka or Light Balrona would be a way better fit, however, I am not lucky enough to have one. In fact, I pulled 5 times during the Rebirth Draka Festival in July 2021 and all 5 was Fire Draka.

That’s for the manual play strategy, however, if you are building a team that is equivalent or better than mine, you won’t need to worry at all since your Astromons will auto-play the entire instance for you like the video I prepared for you below, non-cut and just pure RAW footage.

Light Dimensional Rift is also an attacker based dungeon, the goal is to nuke the boss to death before she nukes us to oblivion and what’s better to do that than Fire Draka & Puncture Astromons.

This is a team that can be possible to beat with the exact same team as Fire or Dark Dimensional Rift.

Team Compositions

First off, these are the four Astromons I picked for my team, you are able to subsite them as you like but the main composition should be similar or equivalent

Gem Builds

Fayie’s Gem Build for his Team is the following

As promised, my golem guides were as closely related to each other as possible and so will my Dimensional Rift Guides. This same team will be the “main” team Fayie uses as well for Fire & Dark Dimensional Rift. Meaning, there is only 3 teams total for the 5 elements. After all for casual players such as myself, there is absolutely no need to go find other Astromons unless you are Min-Maxing times. While saving a few seconds each auto adds up eventually, but I am sure there other content you would like to play instead.

All these Astromon used are used commonly throughout Golem B11 to Golem B15 or our Tower of Chaos Floor 1–119.

Idea behind the team composition is that Draka and Mona clears the waves as soon as possible. While Cernunnos provides secondary DPS and subheals to top everyone up. The mini boss should pose absoutely zero threat as Light Seastar should have it locked down via Shock. During the Boss round, Cernunnos is to provide Undying Volition and sub-heals to ensure everyone stays alive, while your other three will burst down Benji before she has a chance to kill anyone.


In Light Dimensional Rift, as it’s difficulty is higher than Fire Dimensional Rift, having proper Trinkets makes or breaks the run. My entire team is slotted in with a minimum of 5* Variants at +15, besides Light Seastar, as it only has 4* Variants at +15. As I am looking for a better Astromon to eventually replace her, on top of not doing much damage and being tanky as it is, she does fine with 4* Variants. While the other 3 Astromons are core members of this team meaning they are gemmed to the teeth, after all, the stats provided from the trinkets to the core team makes or break the DPS meter needed to beat the boss.

Below, I have a video that that utilizes the Astromons mentioned above on Auto-play doing all 3 rounds and a manual play demonstration.

Originally published at




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